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首页 > 供应产品 > 硅酮密封胶生产设备Silicone Sealant Mixer、螺杆挤出不锈钢捏合机规格、真空型捏合机厂家报价
硅酮密封胶生产设备Silicone Sealant Mixer、螺杆挤出不锈钢捏合机规格、真空型捏合机厂家报价
单价 43500.00 / 台对比
询价 暂无
浏览 799
发货 山东烟台市付款后3天内
库存 100台
品牌 龙腾
产品类型 全新
电机功率 2.2--175kw
加热方式 电加热
过期 长期有效
更新 2024-06-12 16:02
产品类型 全新
电机功率 2.2--175kw
加热方式 电加热
适用场所 工业生产用
适用物料 高粘度密封胶
外形尺寸 2800X2200X1700mm
卸料方式 螺杆挤压
应用领域 化工
整机重量 2800kg
物料类型 高粘度物料
每次处理量范围 出料1000-3000L
夹套力压力≤ 0-0.6mpa
拌缸内真空度≤ -0.1mpa
装料容量范围 5-5000L
品牌 龙腾
型号 NH5-5000L
捏合机类型 高温型
物料接触部件材质 不锈钢
拌桨转速 37/21r/min



硅橡胶是指主链由硅和氧原子交替构成,硅原子上通常连有两个有机基团的橡胶。普通的硅橡胶主要由含甲基和少量乙烯基的硅氧链节组成。苯基的引入可提高硅橡胶的耐高、低温性能,三氟丙基及氰基的引入则可提高硅橡胶的耐温及耐油性能。硅橡胶耐低温性能良好,一般在-55℃下仍能工作。引入苯基后,可达-73℃。硅橡胶的耐热性能也很突出,在180℃下可长期工作,稍高于200℃也能承受数周或更长时间仍有弹性,瞬时可耐300℃以上的高温。硅橡胶的透气性好,氧气透过率在合成聚合物中是高的。此外,硅橡胶还具有生理惰性、不会导致凝血的突出特性,因此在医用领域应用广泛。 高温硅橡胶主要用于制造各种硅橡胶制品,而室温硅橡胶则主要是作为粘接剂、灌封材料或模具使用。热硫化型用量大,热硫化型又分甲基硅橡胶、甲基乙烯基硅橡胶,用量及产品牌号多、甲基乙烯基苯基硅橡胶PVMQ(耐低温、耐辐射),其他还有睛硅橡胶、氟硅橡胶等。


Double Sigma Mixer----the best choice for high-viscosity materials!
Double Sigma Mixer consists of two "U" shape container made of either Mild Steel or Stainless Steel(SUS304, SUS321, SUS316L), with jacket of Carbon Steel covering two sides for heating or cooling.
The mixing elements of the double sigma mixer are two pieces of Z type casted steel blades. They contrarily rotate inward and are fitted at close or specific clearance with the mixing chamber to finish thorough and uniform mixing. The two blades rotate at different speed(usually about3/2).
We can make different kinds of double sigma mixer according to the customer's different demands, For example, vacuum system, heating or cooling methods, feeding hole, discharging methods, changeable liner, filtration net, safety valve, view glasses, Cover opening methods and so on.
1. Working Principles:
Double sigma mixer is used to knead, mix, crush, disperse and re-polymerize high viscosity paste or elastoplastic materials, which can not be processed by the general powder mixers and liquid blenders.
Double sigma mixer is the ideal equipment for all kinds of chemical products and has the merits of stirring evenly, kneading efficiently and no dead corner. The materials are scraped, stretched, folded and squeezed among the blade, slot wall, and ridge-like protrusions.
The materials cycle from one end of the impeller to the other. The two mixing paddles are tangent and spin at different speeds to complet the kneading process. Tilt the solt to discharge the materials.
2. Uses:
Double sigma mixer is widely applied to produce high viscosity sealant, silicone rubber, neutral and acidic glass cement, chewing gum, bubble gum, paper pulp, cellulose, and is also used in batteries, ink, pigments, dyes, pharmaceuticals, resins, plastics, rubber, cosmetics and other industries.
3. Category:
There are four kinds of Double sigma mixer: Vacuum kneader, pressure kneader, atmospheric pressure kneader and high temperature kneader. It has three ways of discharging: Hydraulic turning cylinder pumping type, ball valve type and screw extrusion type.
4. Characteristics:
Control and record the temperature, time, viscosity and other relevant data through the PLC in real time during production.
The parts of the cylinder and the blade that contact with the materials are made of stainless steel, to ensure product's quality.
The kneader can be used for the high-viscosity paste or plastic solid with poor mobility around 5000PA. S, and the jacket can be heated or cooled by the heat transfer oil or water. According to the special needs, the plant can be designed to operate in a vacuum. The speed difference between the biax is 7.52r/min, so that the material is constantly changed, fastly mixed and has a larger transfer area for unit volume.
5. Notes:
(1) Our company can design the equipment according to user's specific requirements.
(2) For the fast update of the technology, we will change the technical data without notice, and the right parameters are subject to the real product.
(3) If you are not certain of which type to choose, please call us and our profession sales engineers will recommend for you. 
















